The Stairs that Led to Nowhere Good: The Creepiest Day of my Life


Generally, I am unafraid of Philadelphia. I can travel all over with a sort of mental map of intersecting bus, subway, and train lines. I get from place to place easily. And I’m also incredibly unaware of my surroundings. So I could be walking through a constant minefield with no knowledge (tick, tick, boom).

Once I did walk to my boyfriend’s house late at night (on the corner of 7th and Rapingtion). I was absorbed in my own thoughts and went right between a prostitute and her john. Before your disgusting minds take this somewhere, I think they were still in the negotiation stage of the transaction. All clothing was (mostly) in place.

Suffice it to say, I’m comfortable going places on my own, even at night. And nothing bad has ever happened to me. The only truly frightening experience happened a year ago, when the sun was still out.

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